
Sabtu, 28 Februari 2015

Foto langka yang akan merubah cara pandangmu terhadap sejarah dunia - Bag. 1

60 Foto langka yang akan merubah cara pandangmu terhadap sejarah dunia - Bag. 1

Sejarah memang sangat menarik untuk dikaji kembali, apalagi cerita-cerita peperangan, inovasi bahkan kemerdekaan suatu bangsa sangat menarik untuk dilihat kembali, nah berikut ini akan ditampilkan 60 foto yang dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, yang akan merubah cara pandangmu terhadap sejarah yang selama ini kamu ketahui. 

December 30, 2014 at 11:58 | Source: news.distractify.com

1. Adam West (Batman) & Leonard Nemoy (Spock) goof around on a drumset

2. Amelia Earhart getting her last haircut - 1937

3. Early drawings by Walt Disney of Mickey Mouse

4. The US-built ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was one of the first computer ever made

5. Marathon Runners at the first modern Olympic Games held in Athens, Greece - 1896

6. The first Walmart store opened in 1962

7. Golden Gate bridge construction - 1937

8. Fidel Castro and Malcolm X discussing politics and family - 1960

9. Vladimir Putin as a teenager (2nd from the left, in a hat)

10. Marilyn Monroe meets Queen Elizabeth II - 1956

11. Steven Hawking with his bride, Jane Wilde

12. Robert Downey Jr. and Slash

13. Hilter as the best man in Joseph Goebbels wedding

14. Last concert of Beatles on a London rooftop - 1969

15. George Armstrong Custer and some of his fellow soldiers, during the American Civil War. [Colorized]

16. Norway celebrates the first ever banana arriving in the country

17. Alan Shepard, America's first man in space, puts on his Navy Mark IV spacesuit.

18. Marilyn Monroe and Sammy Davis, Jr.

19. Howard Carter, an English archaeologist, examining the opened sarcophagus of King Tut.

20. Che Guevara and Fidel Castro

21. Mt Rushmore construction - 1939

22. A young Johnny Depp with Oasis

23. Sean Connery as James Bond, poses with Aston Martin DB5 - 1965

24. Elvis Presley during his service in the U.S. Army - 1958

25. Construction of Eiffel Tower in 1880

26. William Harley and Arthur Davidson, 1914 -- The Founders of Harley Davidson Motorcycles

27. Pablo Picasso & Brigitte Bardot - 1956

28. A young Bill Clinton meets John F. Kennedy

29. Frank Sinatra asks Lou Gehrig for an autograph in 1939

30. Steven Spielberg sits in the mechanical shark used in JAWS

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